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Sunday, June 28, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Why Hire an Search Engine Optimization Expert?
Why Hire an SEO Expert
Businesses of all sizes are often faced with the dilemma of hiring a professional SEO service provider, or trying to learn best practice of SEO themselves. Below are several reasons why it’s probably best to leave search engine optimization to the professionals.
1. Professional SEOs are very familiar with the tools they use to analyze websites. Choosing the proper keywords for your market is arguably the most important aspect of SEO. After all, if you invest in reaching a top position on Google for a weak keyword, do you really achieve anything?
2. Professional SEOs have been there, and done that. While learning SEO for the first time can take you months or even years to properly analyze a website, professional SEOs can more efficiently analyze your website’s potential and suggest intelligent strategies. Professional SEOs know what it takes to get a site in tip-top shape for its Google Debut, or restructure an existing page to be more search engine friendly.
SEO Experts (Webmasters hidden skills)
3. The faster you get top rankings, the better. Think of your rank like retirement. If you start saving for retirement at forty, you’re not going to get out as much as you would if you started saving at twenty. Just as interest builds off of interest in retirement account, SEO builds off of SEO on your website. Which website do you think will be better off?
Website A) Takes their time learning the fundamentals of SEO and a few advanced skills. Within a year they have optimized their pages to the best of their abilities.
Website B) Hires an SEO firm and gets in the top 10 for their desired keywords in a month or two. With the increased exposure on Google, Website B’s client base is steadily growing and more people start talking about Website B’s products on forums and blogs. Google takes notice of all the inbound links pointing to Website B and raiser its rank further. As Website B’s rank improves, more and more people see their products and more and more people are talking about them. The cycle continues.
Just like with a retirement account, the more principal you start out with (in this case, initial exposure), the more you’ll benefit in the long-run.
4. Don’t risk being black-listed. Often times, people get discouraged with their website’s rankings and try to take the quick road to success. Don’t be tempted. Trying to artificially fuel your website’s advancement in the SERPs (search engine results pages) can cost your business dearly. It is unknown whether or not Google holds a grudge, but who wants to find out? Using shady techniques is referred to as black hat SEO. Examples of black hat SEO are: keyword stuffing, invisible text, doorway pages, and spamming. Professional SEOs know the importance of staying clear of black hat techniques and will build your rank naturally and adhere to important policies. If you try to handle SEO on your own, you might be accidently participating in black hat SEO without even realizing it.
An SEO Expert can truly help you improve your website's performance, having a well rounded understanding of the complex inter workings of the Internet, many changes can be made to increase site performance.
Businesses of all sizes are often faced with the dilemma of hiring a professional SEO service provider, or trying to learn best practice of SEO themselves. Below are several reasons why it’s probably best to leave search engine optimization to the professionals.
1. Professional SEOs are very familiar with the tools they use to analyze websites. Choosing the proper keywords for your market is arguably the most important aspect of SEO. After all, if you invest in reaching a top position on Google for a weak keyword, do you really achieve anything?
2. Professional SEOs have been there, and done that. While learning SEO for the first time can take you months or even years to properly analyze a website, professional SEOs can more efficiently analyze your website’s potential and suggest intelligent strategies. Professional SEOs know what it takes to get a site in tip-top shape for its Google Debut, or restructure an existing page to be more search engine friendly.
SEO Experts (Webmasters hidden skills)
3. The faster you get top rankings, the better. Think of your rank like retirement. If you start saving for retirement at forty, you’re not going to get out as much as you would if you started saving at twenty. Just as interest builds off of interest in retirement account, SEO builds off of SEO on your website. Which website do you think will be better off?
Website A) Takes their time learning the fundamentals of SEO and a few advanced skills. Within a year they have optimized their pages to the best of their abilities.
Website B) Hires an SEO firm and gets in the top 10 for their desired keywords in a month or two. With the increased exposure on Google, Website B’s client base is steadily growing and more people start talking about Website B’s products on forums and blogs. Google takes notice of all the inbound links pointing to Website B and raiser its rank further. As Website B’s rank improves, more and more people see their products and more and more people are talking about them. The cycle continues.
Just like with a retirement account, the more principal you start out with (in this case, initial exposure), the more you’ll benefit in the long-run.
4. Don’t risk being black-listed. Often times, people get discouraged with their website’s rankings and try to take the quick road to success. Don’t be tempted. Trying to artificially fuel your website’s advancement in the SERPs (search engine results pages) can cost your business dearly. It is unknown whether or not Google holds a grudge, but who wants to find out? Using shady techniques is referred to as black hat SEO. Examples of black hat SEO are: keyword stuffing, invisible text, doorway pages, and spamming. Professional SEOs know the importance of staying clear of black hat techniques and will build your rank naturally and adhere to important policies. If you try to handle SEO on your own, you might be accidently participating in black hat SEO without even realizing it.
An SEO Expert can truly help you improve your website's performance, having a well rounded understanding of the complex inter workings of the Internet, many changes can be made to increase site performance.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Behind the Surge in Mobile Advertising
Behind the Surge in Mobile Advertising
A Q&A with the founder of the Jumptap network.
By Evan I. Schwartz on November 18, 2010
BUSINESS REPORT The Mobile Enterprise CONTENTS Introduction: How Mobile Is Your Enterprise? Corporations Going Totally Wireless The "Bring Your Own Device" Policy Wireless Technology Could Slash Health-Care Costs Augmented Reality Lacks Bite for Marketers The Great Mobile Cloud Disruption Watch Where You're Going The Enticement of Free Wireless How Mobile Apps Are Disrupting the Car-Rental Business Apps that Deliver a Competitive Edge The Spoils of the Android Wars When Mobile-Phone Payments Go Social Behind the Surge in Mobile Advertising Meet the New Monopoly, Same as the Old One How Mobile Phones Jump-Start Developing Economies Shopping via Text Message Crowdsourcing Jobs to a Worldwide Mobile Workforce The Mobile Device Is Becoming Humankind's Primary Tool (Infographics Feature) Seven Social Transformations Unleashed by Mobile Devices Download Full Report View More Reports
Surge in spending: U.S. marketers are expected to buy more than $1 billion in mobile advertising next year, with strong growth continuing through at least 2014. Figures include many different types of ads, including banners, video, rich media, search, and message-based advertising. (Chart in millions of dollars and annual percent change) Data: eMarketer
With so much consumer attention shifting to mobile phones and tablets, the business of advertising in mobile media is on a steep upward trajectory. A surging number of apps are supported by ads, and users can expect to see more ads when they view mobile video or use smart phones to conduct searches. In the United States, mobile ads are expected to bring in $1 billion next year (chart).
Globally, mobile advertising is already a $3.5 billion business.
When companies buy mobile ads, they typically arrange placement through a network that submits bids for open ad space and runs the campaign across many different devices, apps, and sites. The top network by market share is run by Google, which acquired AdMob last year. The number-two player, Apple, entered the market at the beginning of the year when it bought Quattro Wireless.
The number three-network, Jumptap, is a privately held company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Technology Review sat down with Jumptap’s founder, Jorey Ramer, to find out about the challenges of serving ads to on-the-go people who would rather avoid them.
TR: What accounts for such strong growth in mobile advertising? Ramer: The mobile advertising sector sits at the intersection of two converging trends. On one side, out of a $450 billion global industry of advertising, you see digital advertising eclipsing traditional forms of media. You also see, over the course of the next three to five years, financial analysts like Morgan Stanley, industry analysts like Gartner and Pew, all predicting that more people will be accessing the Internet through their mobile device than they will through the PC.
As the consumer behavior starts to shift, advertisers will shift their spending as well. Let’s talk about the basic challenge from the mobile user’s point of view. People with mobile phones are busy—they’re trying to get things done, they’re racing to the next place. Isn’t there some resistance to having advertising getting in the way of what they want to do?
Two things. One is providing a very engaging experience for the user. If you look at some of these campaigns that are coming out now, with all of the advanced things that can be done with the mobile device, where you can touch the screen—it’s aware of its surroundings, it’s aware of its movement—there are very interesting ways of engaging the user.
Can you name some brands whose mobile advertising has been very engaging and useful for the user?
One of my favorite campaigns recently was one that was run by Dunkin’ Donuts, where they were releasing a new iced latte product to the market. When the user went to the screen, the screen frosted over, very much like the frost on the side of a glass for your iced latte, and then with your finger you wiped the frost off the screen.
This was art that was reproducing the experience that people have in the real world, and it brings a real joy to people.
If you can combine the engaging nature of the medium together with that joy, together with the message that ties directly with this product you’re offering, that’s very powerful for the advertiser. Mobile websites that work
BUSINESS REPORT The Mobile Enterprise CONTENTS Introduction: How Mobile Is Your Enterprise? Corporations Going Totally Wireless The "Bring Your Own Device" Policy Wireless Technology Could Slash Health-Care Costs Augmented Reality Lacks Bite for Marketers The Great Mobile Cloud Disruption Watch Where You're Going The Enticement of Free Wireless How Mobile Apps Are Disrupting the Car-Rental Business Apps that Deliver a Competitive Edge The Spoils of the Android Wars When Mobile-Phone Payments Go Social Behind the Surge in Mobile Advertising Meet the New Monopoly, Same as the Old One How Mobile Phones Jump-Start Developing Economies Shopping via Text Message Crowdsourcing Jobs to a Worldwide Mobile Workforce The Mobile Device Is Becoming Humankind's Primary Tool (Infographics Feature) Seven Social Transformations Unleashed by Mobile Devices Download Full Report View More Reports
Surge in spending: U.S. marketers are expected to buy more than $1 billion in mobile advertising next year, with strong growth continuing through at least 2014. Figures include many different types of ads, including banners, video, rich media, search, and message-based advertising. (Chart in millions of dollars and annual percent change) Data: eMarketer
With so much consumer attention shifting to mobile phones and tablets, the business of advertising in mobile media is on a steep upward trajectory. A surging number of apps are supported by ads, and users can expect to see more ads when they view mobile video or use smart phones to conduct searches. In the United States, mobile ads are expected to bring in $1 billion next year (chart).
Globally, mobile advertising is already a $3.5 billion business.
When companies buy mobile ads, they typically arrange placement through a network that submits bids for open ad space and runs the campaign across many different devices, apps, and sites. The top network by market share is run by Google, which acquired AdMob last year. The number-two player, Apple, entered the market at the beginning of the year when it bought Quattro Wireless.
The number three-network, Jumptap, is a privately held company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Technology Review sat down with Jumptap’s founder, Jorey Ramer, to find out about the challenges of serving ads to on-the-go people who would rather avoid them.
TR: What accounts for such strong growth in mobile advertising? Ramer: The mobile advertising sector sits at the intersection of two converging trends. On one side, out of a $450 billion global industry of advertising, you see digital advertising eclipsing traditional forms of media. You also see, over the course of the next three to five years, financial analysts like Morgan Stanley, industry analysts like Gartner and Pew, all predicting that more people will be accessing the Internet through their mobile device than they will through the PC.
As the consumer behavior starts to shift, advertisers will shift their spending as well. Let’s talk about the basic challenge from the mobile user’s point of view. People with mobile phones are busy—they’re trying to get things done, they’re racing to the next place. Isn’t there some resistance to having advertising getting in the way of what they want to do?
Two things. One is providing a very engaging experience for the user. If you look at some of these campaigns that are coming out now, with all of the advanced things that can be done with the mobile device, where you can touch the screen—it’s aware of its surroundings, it’s aware of its movement—there are very interesting ways of engaging the user.
At the same time, though, when you look at the metrics, if you look at the way that advertisers measure the effectiveness of advertising—brand recall, message association, purchase intent—mobile in studies has been shown to outperform PC advertising [by] two to six times. So it can be a more effective way of delivering your brand message to the consumer.
Can you name some brands whose mobile advertising has been very engaging and useful for the user?
One of my favorite campaigns recently was one that was run by Dunkin’ Donuts, where they were releasing a new iced latte product to the market. When the user went to the screen, the screen frosted over, very much like the frost on the side of a glass for your iced latte, and then with your finger you wiped the frost off the screen.
This was art that was reproducing the experience that people have in the real world, and it brings a real joy to people.
If you can combine the engaging nature of the medium together with that joy, together with the message that ties directly with this product you’re offering, that’s very powerful for the advertiser. Mobile websites that work
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Saturday, October 4, 2014
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Thursday, December 5, 2013
Shop online no matter what business you are in. Get more sales and increase profits is more challenging in our current economic environment. Companies should include strategies that can reach their potential and existing customers both easily and
ordably. With the popularity of mobile phones and mobile devices. Shop online business owners can not afford to leave the mobile marketing of their marketing arsenal. Mobile phone users access the internet through their mobile phones. However, most businesses do not have mobile friendly website. Easy viewing traditional sites are designed to be viewed on a computer screen instead of a small mobile phone screen. Shop online so we see a traditional website on a mobile phone is very difficult. You have to move anywhere.
Just to find the information you are looking for in the limited space. In fact, most websites do not load on mobile devices. Shop online most people use their smart phones to search for local businesses while on the go. As soon as they hit a website that they can not navigate or view easily on their phone. They quickly exit the site and move on. Why businesses are missing out on sales that they could make. Shop online portability and accessibility compared a desktop or a laptop. Mobile phones can be taken anywhere people. In fact, most people keep their cell phones within reach at all times. shop online people are using their mobile phones to surf the web more often now than ever before to Shop online.
Mobile internet your company can be found when people search on their mobile device for the products or services you offer. However, that visibility is useless if your website will not display correctly on your phone. Local search along with creating a mobile version of your website is a great way to help your local customers find you. Mobile websites have to be smaller than traditional web sites. Shop online so they are quick to download a mobile device. This means your content. You are limited on the amount they raised. It is important to include only the information your visitors are looking for. Most of the people who visit your telephone number. Your practice directions, or see a list of services. So make sure these things are readily available and easily accessible in your mobile website. Without spending extra money on advertising to a mobile website increase your business exposure number of users. While on the go. People look for local business information from their mobile devices. This means that they are looking at mobile site. Unfortunately, most companies do not have a mobile-friendly website. In fact, many of them are not even aware that their websites are almost impossible to view on most mobile devices. Businesses need a mobile website to reach out to mobile users has become a must.
How can I get a mobile website that will work for my business?
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ordably. With the popularity of mobile phones and mobile devices. Shop online business owners can not afford to leave the mobile marketing of their marketing arsenal. Mobile phone users access the internet through their mobile phones. However, most businesses do not have mobile friendly website. Easy viewing traditional sites are designed to be viewed on a computer screen instead of a small mobile phone screen. Shop online so we see a traditional website on a mobile phone is very difficult. You have to move anywhere.
Just to find the information you are looking for in the limited space. In fact, most websites do not load on mobile devices. Shop online most people use their smart phones to search for local businesses while on the go. As soon as they hit a website that they can not navigate or view easily on their phone. They quickly exit the site and move on. Why businesses are missing out on sales that they could make. Shop online portability and accessibility compared a desktop or a laptop. Mobile phones can be taken anywhere people. In fact, most people keep their cell phones within reach at all times. shop online people are using their mobile phones to surf the web more often now than ever before to Shop online.
Mobile internet your company can be found when people search on their mobile device for the products or services you offer. However, that visibility is useless if your website will not display correctly on your phone. Local search along with creating a mobile version of your website is a great way to help your local customers find you. Mobile websites have to be smaller than traditional web sites. Shop online so they are quick to download a mobile device. This means your content. You are limited on the amount they raised. It is important to include only the information your visitors are looking for. Most of the people who visit your telephone number. Your practice directions, or see a list of services. So make sure these things are readily available and easily accessible in your mobile website. Without spending extra money on advertising to a mobile website increase your business exposure number of users. While on the go. People look for local business information from their mobile devices. This means that they are looking at mobile site. Unfortunately, most companies do not have a mobile-friendly website. In fact, many of them are not even aware that their websites are almost impossible to view on most mobile devices. Businesses need a mobile website to reach out to mobile users has become a must.
How can I get a mobile website that will work for my business?
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
Local Search Offers more Visability
Local Google Business Services
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